A real question from a Trump supporter: ‘Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?’
Jim's Blog
Much ado about nothing - just some random thoughts and events that happen.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Here’s what the majority of anti-Trump voters honestly feel about Trump supporters en masse:
Saturday, March 1, 2025
History repeating itself - i hope not.
First you lie and instill fear in your own party. Next you select your judges at the supreme and federal courts. Then you appoint your loyalist into positions of power. You then fire the military generals and install those that are loyal to you and not the constitution. You try to deny those with natural born citizenship and allow those with over 5 million dollars to buy their way to citizenship. Finally, you want to control who can report on you and your administration by selecting those in the press that provide favorable light on your mis-deeds.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Uncommon Sense was a Common Vice
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
stupid - just stupid
Oh my god! The horror and scaring that folks were exposed to before the these words were slated for removal. we have the orange tird to thank for this.
This is the list of 27 banned words distributed to NSA staff:Anti-Racism
Confirmation Bias
Gender Identity
Racial Identity
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Don't Judge
Not a big follower of the KC Chiefs but thought this was good post by their coach Andy Reid. That said, I stole this from the Daily Stoic email.
Don't JudgeReid to explain why that was what he chose to put on his wall. As Reid explained, what those two words mean to him was,
“Don’t put people in a box. You never know once you open the box for ’em what’s going to pop out. So give them a chance. Give them a chance to dream a little bit…I tell our coaches to this day, ‘You never know what a player is going to surprise you to be able to do.’ … Don’t box people in. We have a tendency to do that as humans—we kind of put people in these boxes…That’s the approach I’ve tried to take throughout—we’re not afraid to open the package.”
Reid’s “don’t judge” philosophy isn’t limited to sports. It’s a powerful mantra for life. As Marcus Aurelius writes in Meditations, “You always own the option of having no opinion.” Other people and their choices, behaviors, preferences, and dreams—“These things are not asking to be judged by you,” Marcus writes. The world doesn’t need more critics, it needs more coaches—people who see potential where others see problems, who open boxes instead of sealing them shut, and who give those ready to work the chance to dream bigger than before.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Calm down and relax a minute
We live in a time of social upheaval. What work looks like has changed. What marriages look like has changed. How kids dress has changed. How we understand our history has changed. Our discussion about race is different. Even gender is fluid and up for debate in the modern world.
Taylor Swift’s advice to all of you who are freaking out about this or that is fitting: You need to calm down. You’re not going to stop progress by banning things—it never works. It does the opposite. It draws the people you’re trying to protect more strongly to the thing you’re trying to protect them from. If it succeeds at anything, it’s heaping shame and embarrassment on the people who ignorantly stood athwart history and shouted ‘Stop!’ It certainly doesn’t make a great case for the old values—which do have value—to present them as so fragile that they need protection by any means necessary, including tyranny or cruelty.
Focus on yourself. Mind your own business. Practice some empathy. Try to, you know, understand. Let people figure things out for themselves. Let them break new ground. Let them find themselves.
And while they’re doing that, focus on what you control, like being decent and kind and open-minded.